Yvonne is a divorced middle-aged Chinese immigrant who thinks her life is over, and she is doomed to spend the rest of her days as a slave to her large and eccentric family. Suddenly, romance enters her life and Yvonne gets a long deferred chance for true love. However, she falls for the last person a Chinese family would ever accept, Jose, a Mexican-American dentist. It doesnt matter what race or culture youre from, deep down inside we are the same. And from this lesson Yvonne and her family begin to love each other for who they are and to accept Jose into the family.
Link: Official Web, IMDB, Piratebay
Link: Official Web, IMDB, Piratebay
Hi Budiman,I am a partner in a mixed-marriage and so I relate to the themes of 'American Fusion'.I will kill if required to protect my wife.My wife is very beautiful and has many admirers but I tell those who don't respect her married status 'get your own you stupid loosers.'I respect the status of married women and only ignorant barbarians are so stupid to think they can steal a married woman....I like your Blog Tom Hardy Australia
Thanks Tom...bless ur marriage
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